During the past weeks we noted an increase in fishing boats prowling with purpose around rocky points and promontories like underdressed men trying to access an exclusive nightclub.
Why? Salmon are running on the Wild Coast.
Fish, in abundance, following the herring hatch, swim into bays and inlets, feed and leave. Fishermen follow in small, sturdy craft finely kitted out to catch them.
Jupiter arrived at Eagle Nook Lodge in Barkley Sound, tied up, and signed up to fish the following morning, early. Onboard guests and seasoned anglers, Terry and Deedee, joined us in the hunt.
Other anglers
We were equipped by our savvy, seasoned fishing guide, Timmy, with boat, gear, assistance and advice, all essential to the novices of Jupiter’s crew.
At 0600 with a belly full of breakfast, we blasted out to the secret fishing grounds known only to several dozen outfitters as The Spot. By 0900 we had caught our limit of Coho (Silver), and two fine Chinook (Spring or King) salmon, having landed fish in pairs during the first hour. Salmon run deep, and well engineered down-riggers can place the lure at any precise depth which is determined by experience, numerology, or dumb luck.
Wicked fun!
Back to the lodge in time for lunch, the fish were displayed, weighed, flayed and filleted for immediate consumption or sent off to the cannery for smoking or processing any way that can be imagined.
The Eagle Nook guides expertly prepare our fish for canning and consumption.
Kampot Koho Keesh
Prick and pre-bake a deep dish pie crust in a medium-hot oven. In one skillet sauté diced onion, corn and carrots, or any vegetables at hand. After the crust has cooled, crumble soft goat cheese into the shell, then flake in a generous layer of cold poached salmon and spread vegetables over the top.
In a bowl whisk together two eggs, cream, remaining goat cheese and season liberally with fresh ground Kampot pepper. Pour over the pie to fill the shell. Bake 40 minutes or until a knife pulls out clean. Cool ten minutes before serving with fruit and salad.
Salmon Quiche with sliced mango and salad
Awesome Team !!!! So Happy and proud of you for your first catches. It only gets better.
Love and Hugs, DeeDee
Wow! Teach the Woods to fish and you feed them for the summer. Congratulations on your multi-catch outing. You’re the reel deal.
So witty!