Jupiter’s Bookshelf
Titles in our Floating Library
Mariner’s Reference
- Chapmans Piloting & Seamanship
- The American Practical Navigator: Bowditch
- Reeds Nautical Companion
- The Practical Mariner’s Book of Knowledge
- Navigation Rules & Regulations: US Coast Guard
- Chart #1 (US): Symbols, Abbreviations & Terms
- Chart #1 (Canada): Symbols, Abbreviations & Terms
- Chapman’s Nautical Guides: Knots
- Handbook of Knots: Pawson
- The Complete Book of Anchoring and Mooring
- The Complete Anchoring Handbook: Poiraud et. al.
- How to Avoid Huge Ships: Trimmer
Cruising Guides
- Waggoner Cruising Guide, Current Year
- The Vancouver Island Pilot, Great Britain Hydrographic Department, 1864
- Proven Cruising Routes, Seattle to Ketchikan: Monaghan & Douglass
- Douglass Cruising Guides (Encyclopedic descriptions of everywhere) – Don & Reanne Douglass:
- Exploring the South Coast of British Columbia
- Exploring the North Coast of British Columbia
- Exploring Southeast Alaska
- Exploring Vancouver Island’s West Coast
- Dreamspeaker Cruising Guides – Yeadon Jones:(Handsomely illustrated with detailed descriptions of important ports and anchorages)
- Vol. 1–The Gulf Islands
- Vol. 2–Desolation Sound and the Discovery Islands
- Vol. 3–Vancouver, Howe Sound and the Sunshine Coast
- Vol. 4–San Juan Islands
- Vol. 5–The West Coast of Vancouver Island
- Puget Sound
- Local Knowledge, A Skipper’s Reference, Tacoma to Ketchikan: Monaghan
- US Coast Pilot 8 + 9: Alaska
Tides & Currents
- Ports and Passes, Current Year (Indispensable Tide and Current Tables)
- Current Atlas, Juan de Fuca Strait to Strait of Georgia
- Waggoner Tables, Current Year, for Current Atlas
- Tidal Currents of Puget Sound
Mechanical & Equipment
- Marine Diesel Engines: Calder
- ICON M802 Made Simple for Cruisers: Sparks (The least simple user manual ever written!)
- Moving Heavy Things: Adkins (Mind over Matter)
- User Manuals + Equipment Lists for the Vessel and All On-board Equipment
Natural History & Marine
- The Lost Art of Reading Natures Signs: Gooley
- How to Read Water: Gooley
- The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea
- Stories of the Sea: Tesdell et. al.
- Poems of the Sea: McClatchey, ed.
- Spindrift, A Canadian Book of the Sea: Hadley & Hadley
- The Salish Sea, Jewel of the Pacific Northwest: Benedict et. al
- The Sea Wind: Carson
- The Sea Around Us: Carson
- The Edge of the Sea: Carson
- John Muir and the Ice That Started a Fire
Field Guides
- Sibley Field Guide to the Birds of Western North America
- Alaska Birds
- Guide to Whale Watching in North America
- Guide to Marine Mammals of the Eastern North Pacific
- Between Pacific Tides: Ricketts et. al.
- Geology of Southeast Alaska: Stowell
- Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles
- Beachcombers Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest: Sept
- Pacific Coast Tide Pools
- Mac’s Field Guide to NW Coastal Invertebrates
- Field Guide to Sea Stars of the Pacific Northwest: McDaniel
- Mac’s Field Guide to Pacific Northwest Trees
- Common Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest
Culture & History
- The First Nations of British Columbia: Muckle
- Names on a Chart – Southeast Alaska
- The Golden Spruce: Vaillant (Natural History and a Provocative Story)
- The Life and Voyages of Captain George Vancouver: Anderson
- Captain George Vancouver in Alaska and the North Pacific
- Madness, Betrayal and the Lash, the Epic Voyage of Captain George Vancouver: Brown
- Through the Rapids: The History of Princess Louisa Inlet: Hitz
- Travels in Alaska: John Muir. Trip Notes from 1879 & 1880
- Living High, An Unconventional Autobiography: June Burn
- Desolation Sound, A History: Heather Harbord
Tales from The Pacific Northwest
- The Curve of Time: Blanchet
- Following the Curve of Time; The Legendary M. Wylie Blanchet: Converse
- I Heard the Owl Call My Name: Craven
- Passage to Juneau, A Sea and Its Meanings: Raban
- The Strangest Story Ever Told: Culp
- Murder at Five Finger Light: Henry
- Cruise of the Blue Flujin, 1936 Sea Scouts Paddle from Seattle to Alaska and Beyond: Wise
- Heart of the Raincoast, A Life Story: Morton & Proctor
- Full Moon-Flood Tide-Bill Proctor’s Raincoast: Proctor & Maximchuk
- Tide Rips & Back Eddies-Bill Proctor’s Tales of Blackfish Sound: Proctor & Maximchuk
- Totem Poles and Tea: Harold
- Stickeen: Muir
- The Fannie Farmer Cookbook: Cunningham
- Shellfish, The Cookbook: Barnaby
- Halibut, The Cookbook: Barnaby
- Salmon, The Cookbook: Jones
- The Little Alaskan Cookbook: Gundersen
- The Fishes and Dishes Cookbook: Marsh et. al.
- The Supper Book: Cunningham
- Served with a Smile – Collected Recipes from Sixteen Years Afloat: Woods